Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Quick Question about your recent purchase

Thank you for your purchase to this live event. Here is your receipt and your link to the sign in page.We have covered all expenses no worries. I am forwarding you this link to sign in so you don't get charged. All you have to do is follow this link below and when you get to Tony's page enter in your email and you should be all good for tomorrow and, if you can't make it for some reason you will get the replay emailed to you after the event. 

Your prepaid link: https://tonyrobbins.ticket.receipt.4shopr.app

 Thank you again from all of here at Atomic Loop,
Gabriella Swift 
Account manager 

Imagine getting to chat live with Tony Robbins, Dean Graziosi, and Russell Brunson all in one day. That is a story to tell...lol ;-)

http://tracking.web3.winsc.org/index.php/lists/dt349a2f51512/unsubscribe/vl696tv5tjf78/zh321yp3kwa9f, Gabriella Swift
85133 N. High st.
Wallingford Connecticut 06492
United States

Monday, April 29, 2019

I can’t believe Tony Robbins is meeting us live and I got you and your team sign-ins...they are on me 😁

I am so excited! This is the least I can do to thank you for your help. Here is your rsvp linkThanks for your help again, here is the link to reserve your spot for your team and yourself in the meeting: https://tonyrobbinsmeetings.rsvp333kbb.4shopr.com . I already covered expenses for your spots!


Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Need your response today, please

Your contact was submitted to us by referral

* Please forward this email to your sales managers or owners


          Hello, to whom this may concern, my name is Sandra Green from Atomic Media in California. We reached out to our clients and asked them for referrals of top people and companies to join us in a historic private live webinar being held for us on April 30th and your contact was submitted to us by referral. The event's presenters will be :


- Tony Robbins  1# Business Coach in the world

- Dean Graziosi 1# Real Estate trainer in the world

- Russel Brunson 1# Online marketer in the world


                        Since we are covering all the costs for this live webinar for ourselves. The CEO and COO of Atomic Media decided to invite our clients and their friends, co-workers, and families to join our private live webinar as a thank you for your friendship, support, and business.


                        We are limiting the invites to 300 people. Because we are going to have live chat with all 3 of the speakers. So we were advised that in order to let people have a chance at being able to chat with the 3 speakers, 300-500 would be maximum for the 1hr+plus private live webinar.


                       As a bonus, we are going to be giving out thank you gifts for the people who invite the most people to our event. The thank you gifts will be epic I'm sure like vacations, gift cards and advertising with our network. The thank you gifts have not been settled on as of yet but should be decided this week.


                       So, if your coworkers, friends, and families would like to join us for this once in a lifetime opportunity to learn from the 3 best business minds in modern times. Please before all of our spots are filled join us by rsvp here: https://www.tymmark.com/  


You will be updated about the thank you gifts and all updated details on the event by email as soon as we know the details.


( Fyi your email had to be referred by 3 of our clients to get this invite. Now 75% of the people who have received our invite have invited more than 8 of their own people ( you can share this invite-only with people you like, please ;-). The spots are filling up fast. We are at 133 spots filled as I send this out to you. Please don't wait to reserve your spots.)

Best regards,
Sandra Green

Business Development Manager
Atomic Media

                                                                            http://tracking.web5.winsc.org/index.php/lists/dd122gos8d364/unsubscribe/bo992x4yoo20b/yg1536e180507, Atomic Media
1282 Stabler Lane, Suite 630 PMB 128
Yuba City California 95993
United States

Best of Fall for Your Store
